12. PDR architecture
A Transport Layer for the PDR – In which we discuss the design decisions with regard to sending transactions to peer installations.
STOMP – A discussion of the use of the STOMP client for AMQP.
Configuring Couchdb – A user’s data may be stored in Couchdb. Also, we use Couchdb to store machine readable model files in. In this chapter we discuss how to configure Couchdb for our purposes.
Multiple databases and devices – A single user might have several devices she wants to use MyContexts with. In this chapter we discuss the intricacies involved in that for the distributed application the PDR is.
Error Handling – On systematically catching errors to protect the user from breakdown of the system.
User and System Identifier – The indexed names for the 'own user' and his system are handled a little different from other indexed names.