12. PDR architecture

  • A Transport Layer for the PDR – In which we discuss the design decisions with regard to sending transactions to peer installations.

  • STOMP – A discussion of the use of the STOMP client for AMQP.

  • Configuring Couchdb – A user’s data may be stored in Couchdb. Also, we use Couchdb to store machine readable model files in. In this chapter we discuss how to configure Couchdb for our purposes.

  • Multiple databases and devices – A single user might have several devices she wants to use MyContexts with. In this chapter we discuss the intricacies involved in that for the distributed application the PDR is.

  • Error Handling – On systematically catching errors to protect the user from breakdown of the system.

  • User and System Identifier – The indexed names for the 'own user' and his system are handled a little different from other indexed names.