This guide is a self-paced tutorial to get started with MyContexts, the Perspectives platform program. After completing this instruction, you will have performed the following actions:
Installed MyContexts
Entered personal details
Added a simple application by selecting it from a repository
Created contexts and roles. Modified them. Removed them.
Set up another account for testing purposes.
Ran two accounts in parallel on a single machine.
Connected the two accounts.
Re-installed MyContexts.
Used the interface without a mouse.
Useful links
The starting page for all Perspectives documentation.
The MyContexts User Guide, which is more of a reference.
As MyContexts is still in development, we have not included screenshots in this tutorial. Apologies for the inconvenience. |
MyContexts is not yet in beta version. It is prone to break at any moment! |
If you find something wrong with this tutorial, or with the user interface of Inplace, please create an issue at the Issues section on Github. Use the label documentation for the former and the label User interface issue for the latter.
Install MyContexts – Make a fresh installation of MyContexts in Chrome.
Add a Model – Download a model from the standard repository and add it to your installation.
Testing with two accounts – Set up two accounts and connect them, for testing purposes.
Using MyContexts without a mouse – Accessibility. How to use MyContexts with the keyboard only
Troubleshooting – When things go wrong.